Saturday, April 2, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 2 - Bioinformatics!!

#B #ES
The reason why I chose this topic for the day is the below conversation between me and my HR manager

HR: So, you're an engineering graduate right?
Me: Yes. B.Tech 
HR: Thats good. Under which programme?
Me: Bioinformatics.
HR: Err!! Please come again.
Me: Bio-inf-or-mat-ics.
HR: Cool! Am hearing it for the first time.

So I wish to give some glimpse about my undergraduate programme with which I spent my 4 long years.

     ​As far as Bioinformatics is concerned, it's like a continuous learning, unlearning and relearning journey. It's like a premeditated piling up of haystacks knowing that the larger the haystack you accumulate the higher is the likelihood to find signs of the needle existence therein but the more is the work in quest of that needle.
​As technology increases, we get more and more data. Just like cell phones are measuring our visual world everywhere and can help catch the Boston bombers, advances in DNA sequencing, protein and metabolite profiling give us more and more information that we must keep up with. It's a fun ride!
​Since it is a rapidly developing  field,the advancements also grows in a faster pace. 
​​The discipline of bioinformatics which uses computer technology to provide answers for the biological questions has been expanded in the scope and utility for the past decade.Increasing number of research groups  have led to the establishment of a supercomputing facility within a hospital.Such computational power is being used for the mapping of genes and the study of human disease. 
 Thanks to innovations in high-throughput measurement technologies and information technologies, genome-wide analysis is becoming available in a broad range of research fields from DNA sequences, gene and protein expressions, protein structures and interactions. In fact, the number of research targets has increased by more than two orders in recent. The scope and speed of research activities are expanding and the field of bioinformatics is playing an important role. 
Bioinformaticians make this quote a point blank!

"Advancement only comes with habitually doing more than you are asked.”


  1. As a bioengineer myself, I know completely how it feels to be met with blank looks when you talk about your undergrad! With Big Data and expanding genomics, bioinformatics is surely a field to look out for!

  2. Yeah :)
    Good to know someone from Bio bg!
