As Tamil Nadu elections are nearing, we can witness a lot of changes in our surroundings. The things which the government or opposition party had not done in these 5 years would be done just 5 months before the election. Sometimes I used to feel that we could have an election once in a 5 months rather than years by noticing these activities.
During the election manifesto, every party used to promise that they would make the nation better. Yet all their words would be in vain once they win. At the time of campaign, You would get some amount and goodies from those people. These days people are given some 5000 bucks by the candidate who contests. This 5000 is not for that particular day. That's for the entire 5 long years to come. So, if you divide that 5000₹ to all the days in forthcoming 5 yrs, you would end up having 0.27 paise per day. So do you want to sell yourself for just 0.27 paise??
A good ruling party must be set up so that every citizen gets his own rights. People must survive without the fear of theft,kidnapping or murder. Old men going for early morning walk should return home safe. A woman attending a function wearing a jewel must return home safe. A common man should return from his office safe. A young college girl should return home safe. A kid must return from his school vacation safe. To be precise, the place where we live must be filled with safety and harmony. Henceforth, a good ruling party should be framed that makes the nation a better place to live in!
So, think not twice yet thrice before you vote. Not to be carried away by the fake promises and false oaths. Caste your Vote but never Vote your Caste!!
During the election manifesto, every party used to promise that they would make the nation better. Yet all their words would be in vain once they win. At the time of campaign, You would get some amount and goodies from those people. These days people are given some 5000 bucks by the candidate who contests. This 5000 is not for that particular day. That's for the entire 5 long years to come. So, if you divide that 5000₹ to all the days in forthcoming 5 yrs, you would end up having 0.27 paise per day. So do you want to sell yourself for just 0.27 paise??
A good ruling party must be set up so that every citizen gets his own rights. People must survive without the fear of theft,kidnapping or murder. Old men going for early morning walk should return home safe. A woman attending a function wearing a jewel must return home safe. A common man should return from his office safe. A young college girl should return home safe. A kid must return from his school vacation safe. To be precise, the place where we live must be filled with safety and harmony. Henceforth, a good ruling party should be framed that makes the nation a better place to live in!
So, think not twice yet thrice before you vote. Not to be carried away by the fake promises and false oaths. Caste your Vote but never Vote your Caste!!
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