Thursday, September 1, 2016

It's 18+ ..!!

No! It's not literally an 18+ post! Yet it portrays the journey of my life with my most favourite person for the past 18 years!

Who's a bestfriend? 
Is it the one with whom you have lots of selfies together! No. It's the one with whom you've lots of memories together..!
Is he the one who texts you from dawn to dusk? No. It's the one who reads your mind and texts according to your current mood!
Is he the one who says "As long as you're happy, I am"? No. It's the one who says "No bitch! I don't like the way he treats you!" boldly on your face! 

The one who's always there to cheer you up whenever needed without you asking for it. The one who gives clear ideas on everything you do. The one who had already analysed about the pros and cons of something that you have in your mind even before you expressing about it to them. The one who had silently enquired about the guy on whom you've an eye! The one who predicts about the flirting guys and warns you at the earliest! The one who constantly have an eye on you whenever you hang out with them. The one who cares for your safety as their own! 

Every above mentioned thing happened to me with this guy! I have known him since 1998. From being a toddler to a grown up woman, he has been with me during every phase of my life. We have shared everything right from the lunch box menu to career talks. He was the one who helped me out by spilling his ink when my pen ran out of ink and also he was the one who donated the blood when I was in need of it. (I know this is too much. But still adjust yourself as u always do) ЁЯШЭ

Right from my school bus ride to MTC bus ride, he makes sure that I reach the correct destination without any disturbance. He keeps on tracking every activity of mine and prevents the future ill happenings. He's the one who chooses the best for me. Be it a Facebook display picture or a costume to be worn or maybe my future groom! His choice would be the best!

It's said that guys won't accept their sisters/ friends 's love that easily, because they know about a guy's nature. He was the one who figured out the character of the guys who flirted with me. He was the one who warned about a guy with whom I was flirting. Even though our own set of close friends made fun by pairing us both, he was the one politely handled the situation without even getting tensed. Every time when we were put up with the question, " Hey are you guys in a relationship?" his reply would be "Nah! Even closer than a couple! BESTFRIEND " And he would console me later by saying "We both know who we were, we're and we'll be! Don't give a fuck to these idiots " 

It's said that "A guy and a girl can never be friends forever. One would have a crush on the other for atleast once in their life". I guess we proved the myth wrong. To be precise, He's my saturn and am his rings. Adhavadhu enaku 18 years munadi pudicha sani ЁЯШЭЁЯШЭ 

Happy birthday Bala Karthick :) I know this is too long and not a cup of your tea. Yet I felt dedicating a post for you. 
Cheers to our 18+ many more years of friendship! 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

роЙройроХ்роХெрой்рой рооேро▓ே роиிрой்ро▒ாроп்!!

ро╡ாро░ுроо் рокாро░родிропே!
рокோрои்родு роиிро▒்рокродு родாроп்роЪிро╡ роЪроХ்родிропாроо்
роиாрогுроо் роЕроЪ்роЪрооுроо் роиாроп்роХроЯ்роХு ро╡ேрог்роЯுрооாроо் роОрой்ро▒ீро░்,
роЪேро▓ை рокோро░்род்родிроп рокродுрооைропைроХ்роХூроЯ,
роХாроо роХрог்роХொрог்роЯு рокாро░்роХ்роХுроо் роЗроХ்роХропро╡ро░்роХро│், роиாропை ро╡ிроЯ роЗро┤ிро╡ாройро╡ро░்роХро│ோ??

ро╡ிро▓роХி ро╡ீроЯ்роЯிро▓ோро░் рокொрои்родிро▓் ро╡ро│ро░்ро╡родை
ро╡ீро░рок் рокெрог்роХро│் ро╡ிро░ைро╡ிро▓் роТро┤ிрок்рокாро░ாроо் роОрой்ро▒ீро░்,
роОроородு ро╡ீро░рооுроо் роОроо் ро╡ீроЯ்роЯிройро░ிрой் рокропрооுроо் роТро░ு роЪேро░роХ் роХூроЯிропродு.
роЗро╡்ро╡роЮ்роЪроХро░்роХро│ாро▓், роОроородு роиிро▓ைрооை,
роЕроЯுрок்рокூродுроо் рокெрог்роХроЯ்роХு рокроЯிрокெродро▒்роХு роОрой்ро▒ு рооро▒ுрокроЯிропுроо் роЖроХிро╡ிроЯுрооோ??

роЗроХ்роХாроо ро╡ெро▒ிропро░்роХро│ாро▓், роОроородு роиிрооிро░்рои்род роироЯைропுроо் роХூройிропродு,
роиேро░்роХ் роХрог்роЯ рокாро░்ро╡ைропுроо் роХுро░ுроЯாроХிропродு!
роиேро▒்ро▒ோ роиிро░்рокропா! роЗрой்ро▒ு  роЬிро╖ா!
роиாро│ை ропாро░ோ??

роОройроХ்роХெрой்рой роОрой்ро▒ு рооேро▓ே роиிрой்ро▒ு рокாро░ாрооро▓்
родெроп்ро╡род்родிро▒்роХு родெроп்ро╡рооாропிро░ுрои்родு,
роЗроо்рооிро░ுродро░்роХро│ை родрог்роЯிрод்родு,
рокாро░் рокோро▒்ро▒ுроо் ро░родிроХро│ாроХ,
роОроо் рокெрог்роХро│ைрод் родிроХро┤роЪ் роЪெроп்ро╡ீро░்!!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 26 - Zest!

Zest - a feeling you feel when you're going to feel a feeling that you have never felt before!!

Your crush having a crush on you may be imagination. Yet the feeling you get when you know that its real,is zest.

Engineering students know this feel well than any others. The feeling you get when clear the semester. Specially the Engineering Mathematics paper.

The feeling you get when your bestie too hates the person whom you hates the most.

That feeling you get when your wife and mom go hand in hand with each other!

The feeling when you accomplish something out of your passion.
Yes, it's zest for me on completing this A-Z Challenge successfully!! 

Friday, April 29, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 25 - You are responsible..!

It was midnight. The clock stuck half past 1. Vidya started from her office after finishing that day's work. She worked in Pacific timings shift. She dialled the number of cab driver who used to drop her at home regularly. Unfortunately, he felt sick and no cabs were available for her return to her Abode.

With her nerves bundled, she came to her office entrance searching for an alternate mode of transport. She saw her friend, Vijay approaching towards her. Having heard her problem, he accompanied her till the nearest bus stop and arranged her an auto. She expressed her gratitude. He gently refused it by saying "You're my friend. It's my responsibility to take care of you. Reach home safe and don't hesitate to ring me up incase of any problems"

While going in auto, her heart panicked.  Media shows up some of the auto drivers with negative image. And that's the root cause for her fear. After reaching her apartment, the driver didn't charge extra fare for the late night trip which many of them used to do. She thanked him for that. He in return said " Sister! Your safety is my responsibility. Take care" 

Her apartment watch man who was deep in his sleep, woke up on hearing the sounds at the gate. He accompanied Vidya till her flat without hearing a word when she refused. She felt sorry for awakening him from his sleep and said him the same. He politely replied as "You're like my daughter. Your safety is important to me. Its my responsibility " . She smiled back.

Even if she's not your sibling,girlfriend, friend or daughter, she is your fellow citizen. And you're responsible for her to lead a secured and peaceful life!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 24 - Mr X!

Dear Mr X,
Its said that, "When wrong people leaves your life, right things begin to happen" and that's 100% true in my case. 
Thank you for making me tolerate everything!
Thank you for making me to judge people!
Thank you for making me to trust myself!
Thank you for bringing out the determination that was latent inside me!
Thank you for making me more courageous that I can bear anything now!
Thank you for making me to get along with negative minded people!
Thank you for showing your true colour at the earliest and saved my energy & money!
Thank you for shattering my heart that I have found the one who would love me to bits and pieces!

The girl who was once dependent on you for silly matters is now leading her life by all herself. Your words didn't make her weak. It made her even stronger. Consider yourself unlucky. For you have lost the person who loved you the most. I am indeed lucky that way. For I have lost the person who never loved me. 

Your departure led me to find my better half. Infact the best half. The one who loves me along with my past. The one who is solely responsible for my future. He expects nothing but my love. He never finds fault in me. Rather considers them as blunder and gives me the solution. I would miss you at times. But I never want you back.

Finally, Thanks a lot for going out of my life which made me to realise what TRUE LOVE is!!

Having read this, Vijay hugged his wife and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead with his eyes moist! Tears of love perhaps!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 23 - Wedding Scenes.!

Wedding is a lovely platform for achieving greater heights. It's a strong basement which gives rise to even stronger building of life. Yet one can witness many funny scenes in a Tambrahm wedding. Given are the ones which attract/anger/entertain me in a Tambrahm wedding.

Advice sessions:
There will be many uncles, rather Mamas who would advise you on anything. Right from your academics to 'How to eat payasam?' they would give you loads n loads of advice! Right from rocket science to atomic stuff, they know anything and everything!
Some random mama to you: "Ena pa? Enga work pandraai?"
You: " XYZ company "
He: "Haan! Adhuva? Increment ae kuduka matene. Ennodu *some complicated relative* anga daan See Eee Ohh ah irkan. Konjam pathu pana choldren" 
And you would have a wide grin in your face.

Match - Making sessions:
Some mama and mami have no other work than fixing matches for the youth attending the event. Though the guy and the girl is no way related to them, they would try to match them out. Next kalyanam saapadu avaalku ready you see!

Showing - off sessions:
Right from the hight school girls to the middle aged lifshtick valinjing aunties, everyone shows off. Be it their diamond nosepin, silk saree, the branded foot wear, aadi thallubadi bag, those jasmine flowers amidst their plait or wig... They would show off like they have won 'The Miss World' award!

Photo sessions:
Taking selfies have become a regular habit these days. In a wedding you can witness many crazy poses. The girls at the reception with that cliche hand on hip pose. The couple and their friends with 'V' pose. The couple and their family with formal attention pose. Needless to say about the people who pose as if it's a candid one.

Food session:
The long wait after tolerating the above mentioned troubles, changes your mood when you hear the words " Saapadu ready!" 
My sole purpose to attend a wedding is for that delicious yummy three course meal! The pace of my heart beat increase as I see a lot of food items arranged in a banana leaf before me. Payasam is the king of desserts. Tambrahm wedding la andha rasam saadham sapadra sogame thani! 

At the end of the event, everyone's heart feels heavy when they see this scene of bride hugging her family with tear-filled eyes.! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 22 - Vote.

As Tamil Nadu elections are nearing, we can witness a lot of changes in our surroundings. The things which the government or opposition party had not done in these 5 years would be done just 5 months before the election. Sometimes I used to feel that we could have an election once in a 5 months rather than years by noticing these activities.

During the election manifesto, every party used to promise that they would make the nation better. Yet all their words would be in vain once they win. At the time of campaign, You would get some amount and goodies from those people. These days people are given some 5000 bucks by the candidate who contests. This 5000 is not for that particular day. That's for the entire 5 long years to come. So, if you divide that 5000₹ to all the days in forthcoming 5 yrs, you would end up having 0.27 paise per day. So do you want to sell yourself for just 0.27 paise??

A good ruling party must be set up so that every citizen gets his own rights. People must survive without the fear of theft,kidnapping or murder. Old men going for early morning walk should return home safe. A woman attending a function wearing a jewel must return home safe.  A common man should return from his office safe. A young college girl should return home safe. A kid must return from his school vacation safe. To be precise, the place where we live must be filled with safety and harmony. Henceforth, a good ruling party should be framed that makes the nation a better place to live in!

So, think not twice yet thrice before you vote. Not to be carried away by the fake promises and false oaths. Caste your Vote but never Vote your Caste!!

Monday, April 25, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 21 - US Days!!!

This is not about the days when I was there in the US of A! I had never been there. This is an inspiration from Anjali Menon's current flick, Bangalore Days!

Its about three cousins who are as close as Bread and butter. I can very well relate the movie's story to mine. A guy who is very ambitious and career oriented. Another guy who is concerned about his passion and thrives for it. One fun loving girl who likes adventures and always roam around.

We had spent a lot of time together during our childhood days. They both always prank me as I was the youngest. Pulling each other's leg in front of our parents just to have fun. Crazy ideas for escaping from the tantrums of elders. They make fun of innocence and in return, I irritate them by my mischievous behaviour!

I still remember the days when they taught me everything and helped me in my academics. Every time when I asked silly doubts, they clear it with an immense patience. They have taught me hell a lot of real life lessons too. Right from a simple arithmetic problem to the disputes in my relationship problem, they gave the most simple solution. They were there to support me even when my own parents didn't. Those are the two idiots whom I love to the moon and back. 

Now, my elder brother is a researcher in US and the younger one is pursuing his MS in the same nation. If I get any chance of settling there through an onsite opportunity or my PG (definitely not by marrying a US groom), Anjali Menon, am sorry, I bet that our US Days would be better than your Bangalore Days!!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 20 - Tirunelveli!!

First of all, it's Tirunelveli! Not 'Thirunelveli' , 'Thirunelvelli' and definitely not 'Tirunalveli' ! I am an avid lover of my hometown that even misspelling its name makes me angry

I will be on my cloud nine whenever I get back to my hometown during vacation. The feeling I get when I see the "Tirunelveli Junction " name board in the Railway station can't be expressed in words. The first thing I do while going home, is to have a big glass of water. I always doubt if water from Thamirabharani river has some unique taste. That's why our own trademark, Iruttu kadai halwa is that sweet! 

The halwa got its name as Iruttu kadai halwa as there's only one bulb hung in the shop. There's only one small shop in the entire city. The crowd goes crazy for this like any other stuff. For the sale starts around 5 pm every evening and huge gallons of alwa gets sold around 6:30 pm during weekdays and 5:45 pm during the weekends. I have always wondered about this.

As our city is near to many waterfalls and at the foothills of Western Ghats, we never felt ripped off by scorching heat during summer. And so these sight seeing places would be flooded with tourists during vacation. Needless to say about the famous Courtallam and five falls. The most crystal clear clean water I have ever seen. 

In addition of paying visit to the relatives place, I used to go to this place every time when I am in my hometown. Ram Muthuram Cinemas. My trip would be incomplete without watching a movie in our beloved Ram theatre. It's better than many high class theatres in metropolitan cities. I feel it to be better than Chennai's very own Sathyam Cinemas. There's always one special bonding between me and this theatre. During a top star's movie release, the areas near that theatre would be in a festive mood. For the fans and the theatre owner would do grand stuffs to turn the place into a carnival!

My joy knows no bound whenever I see a vehicle with TN 72 registration number in Chennai. Even seeing one shop's name board with Tirunelveli or Nellai in it would make my day. My love for this city immeasurable!

If had put up in a situation to choose either heaven or Tirunelveli, my choice would definitely be my Tirunelveli!!

Friday, April 22, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 19 - Sisterhood!

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. Having a sister is a blessing. Sisters, as you know, also have a unique relationship. This is the person who has known you your entire life, who should love you and stand by you no matter what, and yet it’s your sister who knows exactly where to drive the knife to threaten you the most!

As I have a sister, I would always have a friend. In spite of being younger to me, she is my biggest motivator. I always admire her qualities. She stay calm yet achieve wonders by her determination and perseverance. The most ambitious person I have ever seen.! 
The one being who has been always there for me during my ups and downs.
The one with whom I have experienced a lot stuffs. My partner who makes our house a home as well as the one who turns our home into a mess! 
I have learnt a lot like how to be maintain patience, how to tolerate bad situations, how to gain credits from parents by doing nothing and so on. 

I am also blessed with a wonderful bunch of cousins. The ones who accompany me for everything. The ones on whom I can rely on anything. The ones who makes me better by giving their valuable suggestions and advice. Be it my professional life or personal life, they're my well wishers. Right from my relationship problems to my health problems, they're the ones who appear first to sort it out. I am incomplete without this awesomatic bunch of idiots. 

Sometimes, you would have a friend who turned to be your sister. I write this blog only because of that beautiful lady. I used to long for a elder sister always. The random person whom I met online in social networking site, filled that gap. My biggest ever inspiration. She is my role model as a writer and a successful woman as well. The one who consoled me through her words whenever I was down. The one who was always there to put a smile on my face. Wish we would be siblings in the next birth!

If your sister turns out to be your friend, its your luck.
Yet If your friend turns to be your sister, its a boon!!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 18 - Romance!!!

This heart of mine,
When it beats for you, its divine.
Endless talks all over the night,
You make me to reach greater height.
You're always there in my daily prayer,
You're my every time saviour.
If I thought for just one moment that this would be my last breath, 
I'd tell you I'll love you forever, even beyond death.
If I thought for just one moment that your face would be the last I'd see, 
I'd take a million pictures and save them just for me.
When first we met,my heart flew high,
On wings through a cloudless sky.
Only with you, I used to share,
Everything that makes me despair.
I have a feeling that I can comprehend,
In my deepest thoughts your are,
More than just a friend.
To you I give the whole me,
For I believe that you're my destiny.
To you I offer every best of my heart,
For I believe that you're mine no matter what.
Our relationship is pure and fair,
All hurt your love can repair.
As heaven comes to us on earth,
And makes us one in our rebirth.
I dream of ur building our own empire,
By working side by side.
And make love to each other,
By smiling with pride.
Hold my hand and come with me,
I will show you the way and let you see.
How love and happiness will make you feel,
And make your life feel so real!
You are the reason why I go on,
Eternity can't separate this special bond.
This heart of mine is reserved for you,
Forever it is yours, this love is true.
I can stand against the world with you,
Yet, I can't stand a word against you!
You're important more than my own life,
The sole purpose of my birth is to be your wife 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 17 - Quality Assurance.

The act of giving confidence. The state of making certainty!
Its a planned and systematic activity implemented in a system so that the quality of the product/ service meet the requirement. Be it any deliverable, how complex the code may be, whatsoever the product's impact may be, it's never successful without the QA work. Rather the process isn't complete without QA.
Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it. Optimizing processes in a company is like cultivating good habits at home. That's what a QA professional exactly does!
All of us have our own Quality assurer. The one who corrects your blunder every time. The one who makes you better. The one who redefines your character. The one who helps you to maintain your good habits. Be grateful to them till your last breath. For they handle the toughest part.

"Productivity and efficiency can be achieved only step by step with sustained hard work, relentless attention to details and insistence on the highest standards of quality and performance.” - J. R. D. Tata

To all the Professional Quality Assurers, take a bow!
You testers are really great for you prevent the bad omens at the earliest stage!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 16 - Present!

Its not about the most valuable present I have received,the one I gave, or the one I am dreaming for either! Its all about the most precious present we all have.
Yesterday is a history 
Tomorrow is a mystery 
Yet, today is a gift!
That's why its known as "Present"

Imagine if your account is credited with 86,400 bucks and you gotta spend within its deadline. And its a day. Imagine the way you spend it, effective plans, powerful execution and you would be busy round the clock and result oriented. You're being gifted with the same number of seconds each day. If you stay the same goal-focused and result- oriented, you would achieve laurels! 

As we all know, Procrastination is a thief of time! Punctuality is not just limited to arriving at a place at right time, it is also about taking actions at right time. If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late. Whatever you wish to do, do it now! Grab the chance. As opportunity knocks your door only once! If you wanna do it, go for it right away. For you may have mood swings and loss in your courage later. Plan your work and work that plan to avoid constraints at the eleventh hour!

No dream is ever too big! Take the initiative and turn it into reality. Your life has a purpose. Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your voice matters. You're born to make an impact. Let it be a good one! If you spend too much time on thinking about a thing, you'll never do it. Get it done now! 

If not you, who?
If not now, when? 
Do it now!
For sometimes, later becomes never!

Monday, April 18, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 15 - Orthos,Porthos,Aramis!!!

It's not the review about "The Three Musketeers "
It's about the three real life crazy friends.
Friendship that started in 1998, May
Growing in an exponential way, day by day!

Karthick, Aravinth and me!
Best Friends Forever. And that's we!

Yet what does it mean to be “best friends”?
You should see each other every day?
Well that’s not true for you and me
Should silly little fights get in our way?
Only if that’s how it’s meant to be
Should we give? Should we borrow?
Should we enjoy like there’s not tomorrow?
Secrets are traded
Privacy invaded
Tears are shed
Love is spread
There's nothing left unshared
We know that we both really cared
I smile, you smile
You cry, I DIE
I wish, you wish
Best Friends Forever
The promise that I made
And I know in my heart
That it will never fade

It's said that if a friendship lasts for more than 7 years, its for lifetime! 
Ours is for the light years to come.

It's a myth that a guy and a girl cannot be just friends for long. Yet we broke that myth by the pure love we have for each other! 

More than kin and kith,
We, the Trio Till Death! 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 14 - Nostalgia!

Had you ever eaten a crayon by mistake while doing your colouring book?
Had you ever waited for your favourite song to be played in radio?
Had you ever watched cartoons and songs from the newly released movie in your neighbour's television?
Had you ever celebrated Sachin Tendulkar's century as your own?
Had you ever been threatened as if you would be kidnapped by some strangers if you don't obey your parents?
Had you ever had a collection of the cricketers' miniature that comes as a compliment for your health drink?
Had you ever waited in a long queue for having a cup of Milo from Milo van?
Had you ever visited a nearby mine or planetarium in the name of a educational field trip?
Had you ever spent the whole summer day playing in the street?
Had you ever felt like A Sherlock Holmes when you were made as the catcher in hide n seek game?
Had you ever played rather sang Shaat-boot-three, Inky Pinky Ponky in their own tone?
Had you ever longed for the window seat during a train journey?
Had you ever gone to your relative's place instead of a picnic during your holidays?
Had you ever waited so long for your birthday so that the entire school would wish you in the morning prayer?
Had you ever played book cricket while your teacher was doing his job?
Had you ever decorate your exam answer sheet with those colourful stic/ glitter pens?
Had you ever felt pride for owning your own Hero pen or bicycle?
Had you ever been flooded with your relative's advices once you step into your 10th grade?
Had your ever searched for the best guides/ notes so that you could understand History easily?
Had you ever been waken up by your mom at 4 am for your maths tuitions?
Had you ever carried one particular stationary for every exams, every year as you consider it to be lucky?
Had you ever experienced too many hands in single lunch box?
Had you ever painted your sports shoe with a chalk before your PT hour as you forgot to do that morning?
Had you ever had gang fights and stood in front of the Principal room for the entire day?
Had you ever attended some quizzes organised by NGOs just for the goodies they gave?

I am sure that you would have smiled for each and every point.
Rediscover the child in you. As you'll be having smiling lips forever!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 13 - Mani Ratnam.

My week isn't complete without watching a movie. A film by Mani Ratnam to be precise. My most favourite film maker. His movies have a life in it. Be it any genre romance,action,family-sentimental,documentary.. His movies are always unique. His movies would give some special feeling which any other movies fail to give.

Thalapathy is my most favourite movie. I watch it every month. One could relate the incidents of Mahabaratha to some of the scenes in this movie. That sun background in every important scene symbolise Karna's mythical status as the Suryaputra,for an instance. The most famous and often quoted friendship from the Indian Mythology was brought alive on screen because of Mani Ratnam.

Raavanan is no way lesser to Thalapathy. As the latter one portrays Mahabaratha, the former one portrays Ramayana. The best part in this movie is the Starring. Everyone would have given their best performance. The huge statue of Lord Vishnu in this movie  is like a feather in the cap. 

He didn't make movies to release them on some holidays. He made movies for the decade. The entire 90s decade spoke about Mouna Ragam. So did the 2K's decade about Alaipayudhe and 2K10's decade about OK Kanmani. Each and every romantic scene in those movies is lovely poetry! 

One doesn't have guts to picturize politics in his movies. Yet Mani Ratnam packs few decades of Tamil Nadu politics into a 2 and a half movie, Iruvar. Despite its disclaimer, one could draw analogies to the real life politicians. The movie has been shown so realistically and yet subtle as it doesn't hurt anyone's sentiments much.

That period's burning issue was made into movies by Mani Ratnam. When the world spoke about Srilankan eezham issue, Kannathil muthamittal was directed. When the world spoke about the Tamilnadu fishermen issue, Kadal was directed. Anjali was directed as a tribute for Autism. To show the power of Youth, he made Ayutha Ezhuthu. To say a lot more about Mani sir and his movies, one post couldn't be sufficient! 

Mani Ratnam - The name says it all!!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 12 - Luck!!

What is luck? 
Is it the one if you win a lottery ticket?
Is it the one if you get a branded stuff in 50% offer.
Is it the one when you buy 5 items and get billed for only 4 of them?
Is it the one when you pass an exam in which you thought you would fail? 
It's the one when your parents say "Go safe" when you leave for your work
It's the one when your spouse makes a hot cup of tea,while you're with a bewildered mind.
It's the one when you have friends to enjoy even the most little adventures of life.
It's the one when your sibling gets something for you from his savings.
It's the one when your child write about you in the homework given by the teacher under the topic "The person whom I like the most" 

While applying for army, some person hinders you by saying it as a risky job and you will be having some hard luck. Yet, you would follow your passion without lending your ears to him,fight for your nation and get some prestigious award. Luck favours the brave!

Your friend failed in some exam as the portion he prepared didn't appear in the question paper. He complains about his luck. Yet you got a good score as analysed the topic and prepared well the portions that were with high importance. Luck favours the intelligent!

Your colleague worked just for salary got some low rating and blamed his luck. Yet you loved your work and did it with full dedication. And so you got a higher rating. Luck favours the dedicated!

Some researcher tried to figure out the solution. He gave it up as he worked on it for months and blamed his luck. But you worked hard from dawn to dusk and cracked it. Luck favours perseverance!

It's all lies on one's perspective. 
Live Ur life as it Changes and
Kill Your pessimistic thoughts. 
As a result, you'll be LUCKY!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 11 - Keep it simple.

Actually speaking our life is so simple. Yet we make it complicated by thinking and doing unwanted actions. Expectations puts down the smile on one's face. Expectations and over expectations on everything. 

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So take it as it happens. And have a belief that everything happens for a good reason. 
Be busy in loving the people who loves you and cares for you. Just score out the one's who don't. That's the simple way to be happy

Be busy in improving yourself that you don't have time to criticise others. That's the simple way to succeed.
Turn all your weakness into strength before your rivals could make fun of you with that. That's the simple way to remain contented.

If you like someone, go and express it to them. And if they like you too, proceed further. Rather don't show off your love to everyone. Don't say stuff like "You're my world" "I can do anything for you" to anyone. As everyone likes to be treated equally all the time rather than to be treated special at a particular time. Keep it simple!

Life is a collection of many little lives that each of them are lived everyday 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 10 - Jayendra.

Back in your school days, 
Had you ever longed for going to school everyday?
Had you ever felt bad for the 4pm school bell?
Had you ever shared lunch with your teachers?
Had you ever played dumb charades with your principal?
Had you ever felt happy for your correspondent's visit?
Had you ever felt not irritated when your maths teacher borrowed you PT period??
I bet your answer would be 'no' to at least one of the above questions. 
Yet it's affirmative in my case. 
I studied rather grew up in a school that valued each and every student's feeling. The place which would awe everyone with its splendid infrastructure. One would feel like entering into a temple,while entering my school. 
The open air-theatre is a replica of Padmanaban palace,Trivandrum.
A small garden area with a waterfall reminds of Lal Bagh, Bangalore.
Needless to say about the labs,conference hall and a very big playground. 
We were trained in each and every possible sport and so they kindled our sportsmanship.
Our creativity was encouraged by our amiable teachers.
The talents,latent inside us were brought out as every student was made to participate in one event or the other during the cultural fests.
My principal and correspondent are the two legends whom I respect and love the most next to my parents. I wouldn't have seen many successful events in my life without their guidance.

I dedicate this post to all my teachers who taught me right from my kindergarten. They didn't teach us what to think,rather they taught us how to think. 

According to me, Jayendra is a heaven on the Earth!

Monday, April 11, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 9 - iPhone!!!

Everyone has a craze for something. Some for their favourite film stars,some for travelling,food and many stuffs. I have a lot craze for brands. I am known as a brand freak among my friends. 
Am very much concerned on brands that I get stuffs of certain brands. Mobile phones are one of the basic needs in addition to food, clothes and shelter these. That too you can feel the world at your fingertips if you possess a smartphone. I have a lot craze on this brand - Apple.
Getting an iPhone was my long time goal. I always admired it's structure. I often go mad when I see that apple symbol. Need not say about its camera clarity.
Since the first day of my office, I always dreamt of getting an iPhone. And that time arrived soon. I saved enough to get my favourite mobile. I was awestruck when I went to an Apple showroom. A hall full of my favourite brand. That's one immense pleasure when I had the world's best mobile in my hand. I was in cloud nine when I realised that I own an Apple product now. I was little satisfied that I made a tick to one of my buck list items. 
I was mocked by my mom for buying such an expensive mobile. "You're not having a phone, you're having 4 sovereigns of gold in your hand. So take good care of it" was her comment. 
Even my friends made fun of me for getting this mobile. But I didn't lend my ears to those.
To be precise, "Having an iPhone is a pride!"

Sunday, April 10, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 8 - Humanity.!

In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute. 
Humanity is the key character of a person. It makes you dignified. Yet its hard to find these days
You need not give currency notes to the beggar. Even if u give a penny,give it with a smile. Your smile could make their day.
You need not give anything to that person in ambulance. Just give its way and silently  pray for that dying individual. Your prayers could be heard.
Even if you don't need them, buy some flowers from that little girl who approaches you while you're waiting in a traffic signal. It may help her in learning few stuffs.
You need not adopt that little stray dog in the street. Just feed him with a piece of bread.
Cleaners,drivers and security guards would be very happy if you greet every morning.

There's a great difference between 'human being' and 'being human'
Feel it! Do it.!

Friday, April 8, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 7 - Grand Parents!!

There will be at least some people in your life, whom you can't hate. Grandparents are the incarnation of gods who love you to the moon and back. I wish to dedicate this post to my grandparents. Its all because of their blessing that I am successful today.

I have never seen my maternal grandma's love since my birth. Yet I have heard from my mom that she was very loveable and patience was her key character. My mom does me everything that my grandma missed to do it for her. The almighty didn't allow her to do. If I had put up with questions as "With whom would you like to spend the last day of your life in this world?" My answer would me "my maternal grandma" as I didn't have a chance!   

I was raised in the arms of my paternal grandfather. He was the one who taught me to speak. I still remember the days he used to carry me on his shoulder to the neighbouring temples every evening. He is my first ever guru and well wisher. I have heard that mother's love is the purest. Yet he proved me wrong. He loved me like anything that he even recognised my voice while he was in his death bed! He was such a gem of person. And so God separated us and carried him away after 3 years. This is the only reason why I used to hate God at times.

My maternal grandfather is no way lesser to my paternal grandfather. One brilliant mind who could connect galaxies and Harry potter characters. The one prodigy who was well versed in Tamil,English and Sanskrit as well. He's such a genius that he could solve any complex mathematical problems by mind within fractions of a second. He knew the meaning of each and every shloka in Vishnu Saharsranamam, Ramayana and Mahabaratha. Being his first grand-daughter I received enormous amount of love. His preachings helped me a lot during in my life. While my cousins were frightened by his threatening look, I used to admire it. He is the portrait of a perfect father. I couldn't attend his final funeral. And I consider it to be the worst happening in my life. I regret it the most.

My paternal grandmother is the best ever living legend. She is my best friend since my childhood days. One amiable lady on whom I can rely on anything. The best ever cook in the entire world. Each and every dish prepared by her gives me an heavenly feel. The one woman who can put up with my tantrums and mischievous behaviour. She is the one with whom I fight a lot but never fails to receive the usual love. She cares for me the same way as she did when I was an infant. She admires the way I cook and I admire the way she plays candy crush in my mobile. After speaking to her through phone,one could see my eyes moist. And this happens everyday.The first whenever I go home, is to give her a tight hug and get kissed by her. All that I pray to god is to give her a long life and let her play with my daughter. 

"What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life.And they made it  a point blank!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 6 - Food.

As a foodie, what else would I choose for this alphabet other than food?
That thing which makes me happy round the clock. The one which me turns me on whenever am down.
Right from my morning filter coffee to that banana after the dinner, I relish each and every bite of my everyday meal. Being brought up in an orthodox brahmin family, am always an ardent fan of curd rice and vadu maangai. During my school days, I used to long for Sundays not for the holiday but for the Sunday meal at my home. For that divine combo of vathakozhambu and spicy potato curry. 
My love for food increased when I stayed in hostel during my UG. I even started craving for Idly upma which was hated by me earlier. I would frame a long menu stating what to cook and what not to cook while visiting my home for vacation. I won't be leaving my hometown without feeding my tastebuds the very own Iruttu kadai alwa. Chocolate lava fantasy would loose while comparing it to Thirunelveli alwa. Trust me!
My love for the cuisines other than the south Indian cuisine started during the final months of my  UG. The days when we used to have pizzas every weekend. Thanks to dominos for their friday offer! And those were the days I started enjoying road-side chats. Pani poori to be specific! 
I started exploring for the best dishes in every cuisine. Though I tried various dishes, Briyani seemed to the king of foods. How can a foodie hate this heavenly dish! I am sure that Briyani is being stolen from the god's own lunch box. 
My love for food increased even more when I started to cook. I usually make out dishes with an unusual flavor by combining two or more cuisine style.
Be it a pulao, north-indian gravies, noodles, sandwich,desserts or even a simple curd rice, there would be an extraordinary taste in my cooking. Each and every food has its own flavour. 
Enjoy every sip and bite of your everyday meal as you won't be getting the same taste and aroma,the next time!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 5 - Ego..!

#E #PO

Ego - Your real foe!
The worst character that you possess,
Which makes your life a mess.
People are sovereign and cut apart.
Resulting in their love to dart.
Your head-weight gets increased,
Where in your happiness gets totally ceased.
Your mind often thinks 'Why should I?"
That eventually leads to permanent goodbye.
Plenty of lovely memories are now in vain,
Missing those would give you a great pain.
Numerous fights, disputes and a lot tears,
Broken relationship for many years,
That would never give you cheers.
Nay, Why to have this self-pride?
Life is an enthusiastic roller coaster ride.
Ego - Let it go!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 4 - Dream...

This is a story about my friend who literally dreamt of her wedding

It was during the mid of December. Vidya was on the way back from her office. She was stuck in a traffic signal. A board outside a temple nearby caught her attention . "Andal Kalyanam" by Vishaka Hari, it said and the event was scheduled that evening.The moment she saw the board, she got down in the next bus-stop and started walking towards that temple. Right from her childhood,she was always a fanatic for Vishaka Hari and her hari kathas. Though an iyer by birth, Vidya was fascinated with the customs that an iyengar would follow. She was devoted to Vishnu more than Shiva. She even considered a pic in which she was dressed as Andal during her school days as precious as a diamond . Her endless love for Vaishnavism made her enjoy the event like anything. 
Her joy knew no bounds when the singer described the marriage sequence of Andal and Rangamannar. She literally was in tears while listening to the verses "Vaaranam aiyram soola valam seiydhu naranan nambi nadankindran en edhir. Poorana por kudam vaithu puram engum. Thoranam naata kanaa kanden thozhi naan" Once the event got over, she met Vishaka Hari and got her blessings.
After returning home that night she was visualising each and every event of Andal Kalyanam. "Maithunan nambi madhusoodhan vandhu ennai, kai thalam pattra kanaa kanden thozhi naan" her lips were murmuring continuously. Lingered by these thoughts, she went to bed.
It was around 4:45 am the next day. Vidya had a dream. In which she was dressed up like Andal in Madisar. As she recited those verses, she saw someone with Manglasutra in his hands wearing a yellow dhoti,silk anga vasthiram and thiruman in his forehead. She was shocked and dumbfounded when she recognised his face. That was her colleague,Vijay. One of her close friends. A typical Vadagalai iyengar. She woke up with that big shock and was wondering about it. The moment she convinced herself it was just a dream, her mobile rang. That was her dad. And their conversation went as
Vidya: Good morning appa.
Dad: Good morning Kanna. Today marks the beginning of the month Margazhi. Andal's dream came true during this period. Yours would come true too. Pray sincerely to Bhagwan and do saharsranama parayanam.
It was a bigger shock to her. Having her mind occupied with these thoughts and a confused look in her face she went to her office. Unlike other days, Vijay was standing at the door and greeting her with a smiling face. 
She told him about the incidents which took place that morning. As he heard that, Vijay burst out with a thundering laughter. Vidya was depressed and worried about her dream. He started convincing her that was just a dream. She was relieved for a while. The next moment he told her that, if she agrees, he would speak about their future to her parents. This was even more bigger shock to her. 
After a while, Vijay spoke to her dad about the dream she had and also he did express about his love for her. There were some negative response from the parents' side as a result of this iyer-iyengar collaboration in the beginning. Later on both the families agreed to their childrens' wish whole heartedly. They got married in a few days and lived happily ever after!!

Monday, April 4, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 3 - Chennai Life.!

Being a south tamilian girl, I was always fascinated by the infrastructure in metropolitan cities. It was during my 9th grade, when we made our first visit to Madras (as was known to me by this name then) for attending  my relative's marriage. As it was a typical family trip, we went to some temples. I went back to my hometown with all those pleasing memories.
My next visit to Chennai was during my pre-final year to attend a tech-fest at IIT-M. That was my first outing with friends. We named it as outing :P . Once our event got over, we went to a mall, as I never had been to one. "Express Avenue" the mural read. I was totally awestruck by its infrastructure. My friends made fun of my so called nervousness for using the escalator. I was never used to it either. Being carried away by a lot of  stuff, I made up my mind to settle in this "Detroit city"
A year and a half passed by. It was during my final year of engineering. After getting placed in a renowned software company, I was asked my preference of location. What else would my mind think of other than  this city which attracted me like anything. Without having a second thought, I made the choice of preference as follows:
2.Trivandrum (as it is close to my hometown)
3.Bangalore (to have some beautiful sight seeing  *wink*)
I was on cloud nine when I saw the job location in my joining letter. "Karapakkam,OMR,Chennai" it read.
Right from my day 1, I was always excited to explore this splendid city. Though it seemed new to me at the beginning , I started feeling at home as days passed. The most tricky part was the bus routes, which confused me like anything.
Once I went to Tambaram station as my friend had told me to wait there.I rang him and said that I have reached. He in turn asked me which part of Tambaram I was.I seriously didn't know there was something called East Tambaram and West Tambaram till then. And whenever I asked about some routes to him in the next few months, he used to say 'the place where u stood that day blinking like an idiot' instead of saying East Tambaram!
I never stayed in my hostel during the weekends. I used to roam around places and do shopping all by myself. I felt very happy to see this transition in me.

Me to co-passenger (in bus) : Guru Nanak stop vandha konjam soldreengla?
She: Na anga dhan eranguven.
Now, (an incident that happened yesterday)
Co-passenger: MMDA stop epo ma varum?
Me: Enkooda erangikonga. Nanum anga daan ponum.

I really feel elevated to find a home away from home. My love towards Chennai started increasing day by day and that I have started to roam more. Since I believe in
"The best practices are self learnt"

Saturday, April 2, 2016

A to Z Challenge - Day 2 - Bioinformatics!!

#B #ES
The reason why I chose this topic for the day is the below conversation between me and my HR manager

HR: So, you're an engineering graduate right?
Me: Yes. B.Tech 
HR: Thats good. Under which programme?
Me: Bioinformatics.
HR: Err!! Please come again.
Me: Bio-inf-or-mat-ics.
HR: Cool! Am hearing it for the first time.

So I wish to give some glimpse about my undergraduate programme with which I spent my 4 long years.

     ​As far as Bioinformatics is concerned, it's like a continuous learning, unlearning and relearning journey. It's like a premeditated piling up of haystacks knowing that the larger the haystack you accumulate the higher is the likelihood to find signs of the needle existence therein but the more is the work in quest of that needle.
​As technology increases, we get more and more data. Just like cell phones are measuring our visual world everywhere and can help catch the Boston bombers, advances in DNA sequencing, protein and metabolite profiling give us more and more information that we must keep up with. It's a fun ride!
​Since it is a rapidly developing  field,the advancements also grows in a faster pace. 
​​The discipline of bioinformatics which uses computer technology to provide answers for the biological questions has been expanded in the scope and utility for the past decade.Increasing number of research groups  have led to the establishment of a supercomputing facility within a hospital.Such computational power is being used for the mapping of genes and the study of human disease. 
 Thanks to innovations in high-throughput measurement technologies and information technologies, genome-wide analysis is becoming available in a broad range of research fields from DNA sequences, gene and protein expressions, protein structures and interactions. In fact, the number of research targets has increased by more than two orders in recent. The scope and speed of research activities are expanding and the field of bioinformatics is playing an important role. 
Bioinformaticians make this quote a point blank!

"Advancement only comes with habitually doing more than you are asked.”

Friday, April 1, 2016

A to Z challenge - Day 1 - A R Rahman..!

This is my first A-Z challenge #A

                  I would like to start this with the one with which my everyday starts. Music - One's best companion even during the worst times. Music is my everything. It makes me happy round the clock, throughout the calendar. Yet, my day starts with a particular musician's work. Allah Rakha Rahman - the real legend!

                 Be it his version of Suprabatham or his golden melodies or even his heavy fast beats, this "Mozart of madras", never fails to entertain us! This 50 year old man has the ability to win every single heart. Right from bairns to gramps. Love has no language borders. So does his music. Its always a pure bliss to render our ears to his compositions in his own voice
                 "Mustafa Mustafa" from "Kadhal desam" , "Vellai pookal" from "Kannathil muthamittal", His very own "Maa! Tujse salaam" even the last two verses of "Malargal ketean" from " Ok Kanmani" gives a divine feel..
                  He's not only a pioneer in his own field but also a man of humbleness. The Oscar laureate, impressed everyone through his acceptance speech by expressing his gratitude towards the Almighty. Rahman makes music out of silence. His music is truly universal as he is able to connect with the global audience which others fail to do. This music wizard has been persevering since Roja days when he made his debut as a music director. He doesn't work to be in the limelight. He works for his own satisfaction.
                  He not only says but also proves that, " The idea of music is to liberate the listener and lead him to a frame where he feels he is elevated "
                  Precisely, ARR is better than the best!