It started with a friend request..
I was in my cloud nine when I received the "Request Accepted"notification. Formal introduction on our abouts, likes, dislikes, and many hit - or - miss conversations went on..
Yeah, like any other lass, I was also fascinated by his looks.
His precious smile,his grace,priceless charm,cute eyes,that little shiny thing that he wore in his ambrosial ears,his whitened-dainty-neatly arranged row of teeth and on top of every other thing,his peculiar,delectable goatee beard :-)
When I saw him for the first time, I was sure that he would be the subject of my poems for the days to follow.. And no, I did not believe in "Love at first sight". I just eyed him. A request from my heart was sent.

My love towards him started to grow gradually in an exponential way.. Latent deep inside my heart.. Many a time I heard my heart beats as his name. It was chanting his name like a hymn while doing its regular job of pumping my blood.. And so each and every neuron of mine,
carried his name.. Nay,that sweet transition from a stranger to crush happened..
To be continued..